1 Year Goal List

It's been another minute since I have written on here because I've been going through a rut and still trying to find myself. I'm finally pulling myself out of that rut, though because I'm going back to a job that makes me happy. To add on that, I'm going to start being around people and doing things that make me nothing but happy. I came across some REALLY old pictures of me. I'm talking 7th-grade pictures (they really are scary.) It took me a while to realize it from finding those, was that I use to think I was so depressed because I stayed inside all day; but I really wasn't. I'll tell you the reason why because at that moment that's all I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to sit on my computer, play my video games and be in an online world where I could talk to people all over the world. But that isn't me anymore, I'm not the same person, and that has taken me forever and a day to realize that.

So to get to the lovely point I'm trying to make; I have things I want to do and I'm not going to let anyone hold me back. If you are a little bit of a negative person, or you are holding me back, I'm not going to let that affect me. I've always tried to make others happy, and for a year, I want to try to make me happy first. Being in this rut has really taken a toll on my body, my motivation, my relationships with friends and my personal one, and I just don't feel as successful as the time I was when I first started a blog, back on my old one.

So here it is. Here is my goal list for a year from now. Starting right now, at this second, I'm going to work my best to make this list come true. I understand things may change on it, or some things may end up being impossible because that's how the universe works. But, you gotta hope for the best.

1. Spend my 21st Birthday in Vegas.
2. Fill up 3 books full of watercolors and drawings.
3. Go to at least 4 concerts.
4. Vlog much as possible.
5. Move into a place for me & Stephen.
6. Post at least once a week on my blog & YouTube.
7. Stop waiting on things. Make it happen.
8. Try meditation each day.
9. Try cleaning my face more.
10. Learn new makeup ideas; come up with my own.
11. Read as many books as I can in a year.
12. Go back to the beach.
13. Travel out of the country.
14. Invest in a better camera.
15. Travel to the mountains.
16. See LA.
17. Invest in more crystals.
18. Give my family & friends the best Christmas they have ever had from me.
19. Explore new stores.
20. Try every beer Stephen loves (this is a silly one to me, but he loves them so I want to experience something he loves.)
21. Beat Stephen at Leauge, a lot.
22. Get a healthier diet.
23. Take care of my body.
24. Dress up almost every day (this is gonna be a hard one.)

I will, of course, update you guys on how my journey is going, and if I find new things I want to add, I will add them.

A lot can happen in one year, so let's go!

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