With life being crazy and all, sometimes we forget what we are very blessed with. I know I do. Every, freaking, day. I take life for granted each day and I don’t realize what is right in front of me. This post is going to be five things I’m feeling blessed for lately.
1. My awesome friends.
Seriously, my friends are the coolest. They have my back through everything and always support me in the choices I make, the good ones at least. If i’m doing something stupid, they tell me so but not in a rude/mean way. They tell me now I friend should. I grew up with the “tough love” and I hated it. So it’s nice to have people that balance you out with the tough love, and actually telling you things..kindly. Ha.
2. The new Weeknd Album.
As silly as that sounds to be 2nd on my list, I loooove The Weeknd. The man is amazing and blows my mind with every new song he comes out with.
3. Being healthy enough to do medical studies.
This also may sound silly also, but let me explain. The medical studies I do you have to be really healthy for. Nothing wrong with you; so when I go to the screenings for these studies, and I pass, it means I’m actually in good shape and healthy! Ha, actually i’m not in good shape whats-so-ever, but it’s nice to think.
4. Moving in less than a month to a awesome college town.
I’m not going to college this year, and I honestly can’t decide if I want to go or not. But i’ve always wanted the college experience. So getting the chance to move to this college and hang out with my friends that are having this college experience, gives me the chance to experience with them. Also the fact that I have enough money to move out on my own and buy towels is awesome.. Yeah.. I GET TO BUY TOWELS!
5. The chance to start up this blog again.
I have missed so much being able to write out to you guys and share my awesome life. Also the fact of just writing again feels so good. I’ve never been the type to write out in a diary or anything like that, i’ve always felt more comfortable writing to the world and sharing my experiences with everyone and their brother. Maybe hoping someone, one day, will learn from my mistakes or high light moments.
Well, thats all for today peeps. I am very thankful for the life I have even though somedays it may not seem like it. You all make it awesome.